I got a lot of this from a study at my church. I thought I would share what I've learned.
Matthew 4:38-
Jesus was in the boat asleep during an incredible storm. The disciples feared they would drown. Jesus got up, rebuked the wind and waves and all was calm. Then he asked the disciples, "Why were you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?"
I love this study. How amazing that nature would obey Him, but then He spoke it all into exsistence and nature knows His voice. Here is the other thing, Jesus is always with us if we allow Him in our boat. At times it may seem the waves (problems) are just toooo high and the wind (trials) is just toooo strong. We begin to wonder does Jesus care? Is He asleep in the boat? But the truth is, He does care and no matter how bad things get, He will not let us drown. We just need to believe that He has the ability at anytime to rebuke the situation in our life. Our trial will pass either naturally or supernaturally. We just need to have faith.
The disciples had seen so much, and yet, even they were afraid. Says a lot about our human nature, doesn't it? I have seen so much, and yet, right now, I have a trial of my own. The moments when I've been afraid are the times when I haven't exactly invited Him into my boat. I know He has the power over my situation, He loves me and I will not drown. Therefore, I have no worries.
Remember: The tide in life will change and the level of the waves will alter. Some crash against life hard. Do we have faith?
"Whatever our trouble, whatever our pain, remember that God always sends rainbows after the rain." (Author Unknown)