
Writes for the King... a place for new author Kimberlee R. Mendoza to share, market and sound off.

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Location: San Diego, California, United States

Youth and Creative Arts Pastor at SRC

Friday, February 12, 2010


In 1989, I joined the Army. In order to start basic training, I had to do one “man’s” pushup. No problem. I had trained with a hard-core Marine.
I climbed on top of a table and got in “position.”
Two drill sergeants stood on each side of me.
I lowered my torso to the table.
"Lower!” they yelled. “You have to go lower."
I tried.
Again and again, I endeavored to push my chest to the table and back once more.
But my limbs gave out, and I collapsed to the table.
Not making it meant two weeks in Fitness Company (eight hours of physical training for two weeks).
I cried so hard to God, “How could you do this to me? You brought me to New Jersey to fail.”
I was so angry.
Well, I did my two weeks and went onto basic—doing fifty pushups, mind you. But that two-week detour followed me.
I ended up being two weeks late for starting class in Chaplain’s school and had to wait for the next class. The entire class I missed shipped out for the war in Panama.
Then I missed my permanent assignment by two weeks and was reassigned. The position I should have had, went to Desert Storm. And, when I got out, I joined the National Guard, missing the L.A. Riots by two weeks.
I have learned that God has my best interest in mind, even when I can’t see it. He can use even a pushup to protect me; I just need to trust Him.